
I am Laura, a self-taught baker, cake decorator, sewing enthusiast and avid flip flop wearer. I love to bake and prefer to quickly whip up something in the kitchen rather than run off to the shop for a treat. I have quickly become my family’s go to person for occasion cakes, and this gives me plenty of chance to play with decorating techniques, especially for my nephews cakes.

I got back into sewing after a trip to Florida and fell in love with all the fabric over there. My first foray was a Christmas patchwork quilt, took forever, but was definitely worth it. My sewing bug has been reignited, and I am make quilts, dresses, Christmas decorations and pyjamas.

I have started this blog as an outlet while I try and juggle many different things. It makes such a difference writing about hobbies compared with the ins and outs of the healthcare world. I am trying to do all this while staying fit, eating healthily and generally taking on life, this blog will hopefully help keep me sane in the process.